Friday, January 8, 2010

Can u give a cat a bath with baby shampoo?

I don't see why not...Can u give a cat a bath with baby shampoo?
Yes, if it's very mild baby shampoo, not kids shampoo. Just make extra sure you rinse her fur super well.

Shampoo made for cats is better, but it can be expensive. A very mild baby shampoo is a good substitute if the cat really has to be bathed soon and no cat shampoo is available.Can u give a cat a bath with baby shampoo?
Yeap, mine I use a kind of shampoo sold by pro plan. but using baby shampoo is a good alternative. and by the way, it is unusual that a cat likes to be bathed, mine like it very much, but only every four or six days at intervals
Sure. Oh, and the person above me who thinks it's odd for a cat too like water, some breeds of cats don't mind water. Hairless cats love water.
Yes, special cat shampoo is better but baby shampoo is better than dog or normal shampoo.
I use Lavendar smelling soap. they smell nice and some people say it is a flea repelent! I beleive it... that is what i use and my kittens never have a flea issue! good luck!
No... ive used it and the cat came out ina rash. I dont know whats so diff about proper cat shampoo but there is a difference.

if dont suggest it..

unless its an outdoor cat that gets very messy and you dont want it walking around your house,

but house cats NO, they clean themselves.

xox hope i helped =)
DONT I wouldn't be surprised if you cam out bleeding

cats clean themselves

leave it to them they already spend 3quarters a day cleaning themselves

I think u need a wash instead

ps wash ur brain too
Sure... just use a little..

and make sure to wash it all off

Johnson %26amp; johnson works for my cat..
Yeah wont do anything
.yesterday my mom got pierced by my cat, ha ha.
if you can keep them in the tub lol

it wont hurt them no

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